Week 06 The Weapon Update

The Weapon Update


Additional Weapons:

During this update we focused on increasing our arsenal, but also on the mechanics involved. First of the bullets now no longer always shoot with pinpoint accuracy but rather randomly in a cone, additionally bullets now also got a clear impact effect. On top of this the player hitboxes have also been made larger.  The combination of these three make everything feel better.

When in a fit of rage, swinging your melee weapon all around you, you can no longer hit your teammates, who will be thankful about this. In return you can now smack the opponent’s wagon again, all of this accompanied by some sweet animations.

Here’s a list of what is currently in game, all of which have animations:

  • Sub Machine gun (automatic)
  • Shotgun or Scattergun
  • TnT-Gun
  • Revolver
  • Assault Rifle
  • Golf club
  • Baseball Bat

Construction work:

Some construction works have been done, and the trains have been rerouted, causing the station to now be in the middle and has been visually improved. To do so, we have created some straight tracks. And as they were working on that, the train walls have also improved to show where windows and doors are at. To manage all of this, another manager has been added, the overworld manager controls most objects in the level. And in order to pay for all of these constructions we had to add money, we suggest enabling your newfound spending addiction on loot boxes weapons!



You can now rotate yourself less janky and have gained a looting bag, attached to your belt, that happily swings along as you go.



The player lost the telekinetic magic to make their melee weapon float in the air.

The health pick-ups fell in nuclear waste and now give off some green bubbles.

Wouter, Jens, Sammy, Benjamin and Mathis

The Terror Trains Team


TerrorTrains.zip 129 MB
Apr 03, 2019

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