Week 05 The Alpha Continues

The Alpha Continues


Using the new weapon swap ability, you can now use a golf stick to melee people, walls however, are no match for it. Also, try not to fall of the train, this, much like real life, will immensely shorten your life span. And to better visualize how your train demolition derby is going, we now added health bars to the trains, walls and players, and health-pick-ups to fill them back up again.

Increased train funds:

We visually imporved the models for the locomotive, passenger train as well as the train in the middle. But unfortunately some debris got lose and some logs are crates that were created are currently not on the train.

In addition to this,  the cowboy is now no longer stationary and has animations for getting weapons, standing idle and recoil, reload and melee for every gun.


Control Rehaul:

The game felt way better on a controller than it did on a keyboard and thus we are focusing more on supporting them. But some major changes have been made as well. Jump and strafe have been removed because there was no use for them. Dash has also been changed with invisibility.


Movement with left stick / WASD

Rotation with right stick / mouse

Invisibility with RB / Shift

Weaponswitch with XSquare button(controller) / E (keyboard)

Shoot with RT / F



Movement now doesn’t change rotation

Wouter, Jens, Sammy, Benjamin and Mathis

The Terror Trains Team


TerrorTrains.zip 125 MB
Mar 27, 2019

Get [Group05]Terror Trains

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